About Me

Cell: 0300-595-2885    
Email: ikkhattak@yahoo.co.uk  ijazk@hotmail.com   ijaz_khan@upesh.edu.pk    Blog: http://ijazk.blogspot.com/
Current Mailing Address: H. No, 138A, St. 37, F 10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan
Permanent Address: Vill. & Post Office: Shaidu, Mohallah: Khankhail, Teh: Jehangira, Distt: Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Date of Birth   02-02-1960


1.     Highest Academic Degree – Ph.D
2.     Current – Retired as Chairman /Professor Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar on 26 July 2017
3.     Post Graduate Academic experience for 29 years at University of Peshawar, which included, Teaching, Research, Research Supervision & Administration.
4.     Visiting Faculty – National Defense University, Islamabad and Provincial Services Academy, Peshawar.
5.     Consultant and Researcher. Senior partner consultancy firm, Research for Peace, Democracy and Development (RPDD) 
6.     Administrative – remained Chairman, department of International Relations, (May 2009 – May 2012 & April – Current)) Director FATA Research Cell, University of Peshawar (May 2012 – Oct. 2015) Member Syndicate, University of Peshawar, besides Board of Studies of the Department, Member Board of Governors, Area Study Center.
7.     Have organized a number of National and International Conferences and Workshops
8.    Have produced 07 PH.Ds and still supervising many others who are at different levels of completion
8.     Have been part of /managed/ carried out a number of Research Projects.
9.     On editorial board of a number of national and international academic journals
10.  Higher Education Commission of Pakistan recognized Ph.D Supervisor.
11. Thesis examiner for a number of national and international Universities.
12.  Authored one book, published in USA and edited two books published locally 
13. Academic publications in national and international journals
14. Regular organizer and participant of national and international conferences, workshops and symposium.
15. On board of Directors of a number of National and International both State and Non State Organizations

Experience and Job Description  

1.     Current Position: Retired Chairman and Professor, Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar. I worked earlier as lecturer, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar, Pakistan since April, 1988.
2.      Senior partner consultancy firm, Research for Peace, Democracy and Development (RPDD), Peshawar.
3.     28 February 2006 _____ 17 August 2006 worked as Professor, National Defense College (now University), Islamabad, Pakistan, I re–joined IR Dept, UOP on 19 August 2006.
 a.   Teaching and taught at various times during my career:
i.              Public International Law – (MA)
ii.             Theories, Concepts and Research Methodology in International Relations.
iii.             International and Regional Organizations (MA).
iv.             International Protection of Basic Human Rights (M. Phil/Ph. d)
v.             Extremism and Terrorism in IR  (M. Phil/Ph.D) Currently teaching
vi.             Foreign Policy Analysis. (USA and Soviet Union/Russia) (MA, Ph.D)
vii.           Theories of International Relations (M. Phil/Ph.D
viii.          Basic Factors of International Relations (MA)
ix.             Geo politics of Afghanistan (M. Phil/Ph.D level)
x.              Politics of Central Asia (M. Phil/ Ph.D level)
xi.         Comparative Foreign Policy (Foreign Policies of USA, Russia and China) (M. Phil/ Ph.D level)

b.         Supervision of Research.
i.    Higher Education Commission of Pakistan approved Ph. D Supervisor
ii.   Currently have 07 Ph. D.
iii. 07 Ph.D scholars under my supervision have completed their Ph.D program and got their degrees
c.         Paper Setter and Evaluator for Masters Examinations
d. Paper Setter and Evaluator for both, Federal and Provincial Public Service Commissions.
d.         Conduct of MA Examinations by University of Peshawar.
f.          External Evaluation of M. Phil /Ph. d Thesis for various Universities Nationally and Internationally.
h. Review of research articles for various research and academic journals, both within Pakistan and outside, including USA and UK.
5. Consultancy to various organizations, both national and international within areas of my research and academic interests.
6. Volunteer work as trainer/ lecturer on various related topics, especially Democracy and Human Rights, in the Non Governmental Sector, more specifically with Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) Aurat Foundation, Democratic Commission for Human Development (DCHD). South Asia Partnership (SAP)
7. Worked with Shaheed Bhutto Foundation on ‘Mainstreaming FATA Project’. Compiled its Report.

Teaching Style/Methods

1.     Interactive participatory with extensive use of IT like Multimedia and internet etc.
2.     Create Yahoo groups for each of my course
3.     Case Studies / Simulation exercises
Membership of Professional Bodies, Committees, Societies and other Civil Society Organizations

National (University of Peshawar)
a.      Member, Board of Governors, Area Study Center (Central Asia, Russia and China), University of Peshawar.
b.     Member, Graduate Studies Committee of Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar. (Responsible for Research Programme)
c.      Member, Board of Studies of Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar. (Responsible for academic programs of the department; Bachelors, Masters, M. Phil and Ph. D)
d.     Member, Academic Council, University of Peshawar
e.      Member, Advisory Council, In Service Teachers Training Center, University of Peshawar.
f.      Member, Selection Committee of University of Peshawar for appointment of Lecturers on contract basis in the subject of International Relations
g.     Remained member of Syndicate (1993–96), University of Peshawar.  I was one of the six elected members, out of a total of 16. Syndicate is the highest executive decision making body of the University.

National (Other than University of Peshawar)
h.     Member Syllabi Committee on IR HEC Islamabad
i. Member, National Council of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP)
j.  Member Senate, University of Hazara, Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
h.Ex Member, Sub Committee of International Relations and Political Science, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad
k. Member, Advanced Studies and Research Board (ASRB), Frontier Women University, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
l.   Member, Board of Faculty of Social Sciences, Frontier Women University, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
m.   Member, Board of Studies, Faculty of Politics and International Relations, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
n.     Member Executive Board, Democratic Commission for Human Development (DCHD), Lahore, Pakistan
o.     Member, Council of Social Sciences, Pakistan, [COSS]
p.     Member, Citizen Commission on Constitution, Center for Civic Education, Islamabad.
q.     Member, Board of Directors, Bacha Khan Education Foundation, Peshawar.


a.      Member, Advisory Board, Grafton Center for Deradicalisation and International Security, London, UK
b.      Member, Board of Advisers, Open Society Foundation, Pakistan Chapter.
c.      Member, International Advisory Board, Institute of Strategic Affairs, Paris, France
d.      Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Strategic Affairs, Paris, France
e.      Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution, a journal of Academic Journals. http://www.academicjournals.org/JLCR/Editors.htm
f.       Member, International Advisory Board, Alternatives, A Turkish Journal of International Relations, Istanbul, Turkey
g.      Member, Executive Council as well as Board of Directors, Asian Politics and International Studies Association (APISA), headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
h.      Member, South Asians for Human Rights
i.        Member, Central Eurasian Studies Society, Harvard University, USA.
j.        Member, Pakistan–India Peoples Forum for Peace, Development and Democracy

§  Ph. D 2004, Dept. of International Relations, University of Peshawar, Ph.D. Thesis titled, “ An analysis of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Decision–Making with Special Reference to Pakistan’s Post September 11 2001 Afghan Policy and its Impact on the Region”.
§  Post Doc, 2009 at Minority Study Center, European Academy (EURAC) Bolzano/Bozen, Italy. Studied Italian and European issues of minorities and federalism and their lessons for Pakistan
§  MA 1985 Schiller International University, London, U.K.
§  LLB, 1982, Law College, Peshawar University , Pakistan.
§  B.A, 1979, Edward's College Peshawar, Pakistan,  Subjects: English, Political Science, History

Current Ongoing Research
·                 Pakistan’s Security Policy
·                 Working on a Paper ‘Nationalisms, State Sovereignties and the South Asian Region”
·                 Writing a Paper on ‘The Enigma of Pakistan – US Alliance in the ‘War against Terrorism’
·                 Initiating writing a paper on ‘Combating Terrorism and Respecting Human Rights: Challenges and Strategies with reference to FATA’, done the initial research.
·                 Working on a book ‘Democracy and Terrorism: A Case of Study of Pakistan’ Exact title to be further thought over.

Conferences, Seminars, Workshops organized by me 
(I organized the first as Chairman the third one as Conference Coordinator. I edited Conference Reports of both Conferences and the Report of the Workshop. Published all three)

1.     National workshop Pakistan’s Responses to Terrorism: Need for a Conceptual Framework, organized by Department of International, University of Peshawar and Hanns Seidel Foundation, (Germany) Islamabad, 25-26 March 2010
2.     International Conference on ‘Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Analysis at Domestic, Regional and International Levels’, held at University of Peshawar, 23 24 October, 2010, Organized by Department of International Relations and Hanns Seidel Foundation, (Germany) Islamabad
3.     National  Conference  on  Pakistan's  Foreign  Policy,  Regional  Perspective;  A  Critique, 10-11  MAY  1999, at Pearl Continental Hotel Peshawar, Organized by Department of International Relations and Hanns Seidel Foundation, (Germany) Islamabad.
4.     I have also organized a large number of one day one speaker seminars at Department of International Relations. As its Chairman (2009-12), I initiated a bimonthly Seminar series.

1.   Freedom of Religion and Belief (FoRB) Project, focusing on Minorities in Laws of Pakistan, funded by European Union. I worked on and wrote the section on Minority Laws applicable in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). Jan – July 2014. Findings are with the Publishers.
2.   ‘Mainstreaming FATA’ project funded by National Endowment for Democracy’ USA, as member of organizing Committee for the Project, under the auspices of Shaheed Bhutto Foundation. March – December 2008


1.     Proceedings of International Conference on ‘Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: Analysis at Domestic, Regional and International Levels’, held at University of Peshawar, 23 24 October, 2010. Editor
2.     Pakistan’s Strategic Culture and Foreign Policy Making: A Study of Pakistan’s Post 9/11 Afghan Policy. Nova Science Publishers New York, USA, 2007. Author
3.     Proceedings of National Conference on “Pakistan's Foreign Policy, Regional Perspective; A Critique" held in Peshawar, Pakistan 10-11 May 1999. Editor

Journals / Book Chapters / Proceedings
1.      China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: News Discourse Analysis of Indian Print Media
Khan, Ijaz; Farooq, Shamaila; Gul, Saima. Journal of Political Studies; LahoreDescription: https://search.proquest.com/assets/r20171. https://search.proquest.com/assets/r20171. (Summer 2016): 233-252
2.     Pak – US Relations, Journal of South Asian studies, University of Punjab, Lahore, summer 2015
3.     Book Chapter titled “Pakistan’s Foreign Policy” Pakistan’s history published by Oxford University Press, 2015
4.      Pak Afghan Security Relations, Central Asia, Journal of Area Study Center for Central Asia, Russia and China, University of Peshawar, 2012.
5.      Pakistan: a Nation State, State Nation or Multi National State’, European Yearbook of Minority Issues, Bolzen/Bolzano, Italy, Vol. 8. 2009 – 10
6.      La politique étrangère du Pakistan, Outre-Terre Revue européenne de géopolitique, Paris, No. 24 Jan 2010. [Pakistan’s Foreign Policy, Overseas Land European Journal of Geopolitics]
7.      Framework for Analysis of Public Administration, PUTA Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peshawar, 2009 (Co- Author)
8.     “International Non Proliferation Regime and the US–India Nuclear Cooperation Deal: A South Asian Perspective, Journal of Sciences and Humanities, Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, No. 1, 2008
9.     Pakistan's Post September 11 2001 Afghan Policy Shift: Impact on Pak-India-Afghan Geopolitics, Journal of African and Asian Studies, Boston. USA. Sage Journals. Vol. 42.5 October 2007. – ISI Impact Factor 2006: 4.101
10.  Understanding Pakistan’s Pro Taliban Afghan Policy” Pakistan Horizon, Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi, Vol. 60, No. 9, April 2007. (Publishers have incorrectly given me ‘Ahmad’ as middle name)
11.  Post September 11 2001 Foreign Policy Debate in Pakistan: Issues of Identity and World View” Journal Sciences and Humanities, Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Peshawar, Vol. XIV, No. 2, 2006.
12.  Contending Identities of Pakistan and the Issue of Democratic Governance”, Journal of Peace and Democracy, Stockholm University Publications, http://www.thdl.org/texts/reprints/pdsa/pdsa_02_01_03.pdf, Volume 2, Numbers 1 & 2, 2006.
13.  The Law and Politics of Durand Line.  Law and Society, Law college, University of Peshawar, Vol. 35, Issue 48, July 2006.
14.  Prisoners of War Status: Hezbollah Fighters in the hands of Israel, Journal of Law and Society, Law College, University of Peshawar, Vol. 35, Issue 48, July 2006. Vol. 35, Issue 48, July 2006.
15.  Insights into Electoral History of Afghanistan Journal of Law and Society, Law College, University of Peshawar, Vol. 35, Issue 48, July 2006. (Co author)
16.  Changing Trends in Civil Society: A Comparative Analysis, Journal of Law and Society, Law College, University of Peshawar, Vol. 35, Issue 48, July 2006. (Co author)
17.  Violent Conflict in South Asia: A Case for Peace through Rule of Law in Pak–India Relations, Journal of Law and Society, Faculty of Law, University of Peshawar, Vol. 31, No. 45, January 2005.
18.  Pakistan and the War Against Terrorism in Afghanistan: Choices, Pragmatism and the Decision, in Alternatives, Turkish Journal of International Relations, Volume 3, Number 4, Winter 2004-5
19.  Afghanistan: a Geopolitical Study, Central Asian Survey, London, Vol. 17(2) 1998.
20.  The Right of Self–Determination: A Re-assessment, Journal of European Studies, Vols. 11 &12 No. 2 & 1, July 1995 and Jan. 1996, Karachi.
21.  Whither State Sovereignty? An analysis of the Concept in the Post-Cold War Situation" Journal of Law and Society, Law college, University of Peshawar, Vol. XIII, No. 22 Jan. 1994.
22.  Humanitarian Intervention: The Role of United Nations’, Conference proceedings of International Conference organized by Area Study Center (Europe), University of Karachi and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany, at Karachi, Pakistan on 9-10 December 2009
23.  Understanding Terrorism: Regional Perspectives” Conference Proceedings of Regional Conference on Terrorism held in Kabul, Afghanistan on 14 15 16 October 2008 as part of Conference Proceedings.
24.  Challenges Facing Development in Pakistan’s FATA” in Challenges Facing Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), in NBR Analysis Volume 19, Number 3, http://nbr.org/publications/analysis/pdf/vol19no3.pdf
25.   Pashtuns in the Crossfire: Pashtun Politics in the Shadow of ‘War against Terrorism” published online as briefing paper No. 19 by Pakistan Security Research Unit, (PSRU) Bradford University UK, http://spaces.brad.ac.uk:8080/download/attachments/748/Brief19finalised3.pdf September 2007.
26.  Combating Religious Militancy: Regional and Extra Regional Cooperation" Conference Proceedings, BIISS, Dhaka, October 2004.
27.  Review of William Maley, ‘The Afghanistan Wars, Pelgrave Macmillan, 2002, published in ‘Europe–Asia Studies’ a Carfax Journal, Vol. 56, No. 7, Nov, 2004.
28.  Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and The New Great Energy Game,’ published in Musa khan Jalalzai, (Ed) The Pipeline War in Afghanistan, Sang-e-Meel Publications, Lahore, 2003, p. 132.
29.  The Internal and External Dynamics of Pakistan's Foreign Policy Making". Paper presented at the National Conference on “Pakistan's Foreign Policy, Regional Perspective; A Critique" held in Peshawar, Pakistan 10-11 May 1999. Conference Proceedings. October 1999.
30.  Emerging World Scenario: Implications and Options for Pakistan, in  Emerging Central Asia and Pakistan, Proceedings of Seminar organized by Department of International Relations and Area Study Center [Central Asia  and Russia] University of Peshawar at Bara Gali NWFP, Pakistan 24th--18th July 1992

Fellowships, Workshops and Conferences

1.     Presented a paper on ‘The New Authoritarianisms in Asia: Geo Political Factors’ at a two conference organized by Asian Politics and International studies Association (APISA) and FES Germany in Seoul, south Korea – 4-5 March 2016
2.     Presented a paper on ‘Right to Association and Assembly: The Case of Pakistan’ at a consultation organized by South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR) in Kathmandu, Nepal – 24 – 25 Feb, 2016.
3.     Presented a Paper titled ‘Nationalisms and the Region’ at Conference on ‘Understanding Pakistan’, in New Delhi India, organized by Pakistan India Peoples Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD) and South Asians for Human Rights (SAHR) – 4-5 March 2015.
4.     Presented a Paper titled, ‘Governance Challenges: Poor Law and Order & its Implications for Life and Liberty/freedom’ at International conference organized by Strategic Vision Institute, Islamabad. 18 – 19 December 2013.
5.     Presented a paper titled, ‘Security Imperatives and Regional Environment’ at an International Conference, organized by Foreman Christian College, University Lahore. 12- 13, Dec 2013
6.     International Conference on ‘Diversity’ (with focus on Pakistan) organized by Forum of Federations, Canada and Center for Civic Education, Pakistan, at Kathmandu, Nepal, 6 -7 June 2011. Also was a Rapporteur for the event.
7.     Wilton Park Workshop on, ‘The Pashtun Context: Pakistan and Afghanistan’. 14 October 2009. London, UK
8.     Presented a seminar on ‘Pakistan’s Policy towards ethno linguistic minorities’ at Study Center, European Academy (EURAC) Bolzano/Bozen, Italy. 15 July 2009
9.     Study Trip to Minority Study Center, European Academy (EURAC) Bolzano/Bozen, Italy – 07 July to 21 July 2009. Studied Italian and European issues of minorities and federalism and their lessons for Pakistan.
10.  Read paper titled “Is the World beyond Hegemony the World beyond States” at an International Conference organized by APISA in , 24 – 25 February 2009.
11.  “Understanding Terrorism: Regional Perspectives” Paper read at Regional Conference on Terrorism held at Kabul on 14 15 16 October 2008.
2.    Presented a paper titled, “Responsibility for achieving Respect for Universal Basic Human Rights: Political, Governance, Economic and Cultural Issues” at the Third International Congress of Asian Politics and International Studies Association, at Delhi University, 23–25 November, 2007.
3.    Participated in capacity building workshop on ‘Research management in Asian Universities’ organized by ‘Asian Politics and International Studies Association’ (APISA) at Kuala Lumpur, 09 October to 14 October, 2006.
4.    Paper titled “Pakistan’s Strategy towards Federally Administered Tribal Areas” written for Conference on ‘Politics and Militancy on Pakistan’s Western Borderlands’ organized by US Naval War College, Monterey, USA at Monterey, USA on 21 – 22 Sept. 2006. The paper was presented by some one else as I could not participate personally for administrative reasons not related to academics.
5.    “Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Strategy and Turkey” presented at Turkish Asia Conference organized by Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic Studies (TACSS), Istanbul Turkey, 25 – 26 May 2006
6.    Presented a Paper titled, "Religious Extremism/Militancy in South Asia: Issue in levels and Spheres of Cooperation” at a Regional Conference ‘Dealing with Religious Militancy in South Asia: Regional and Extra-Regional Cooperation’ organized by Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS), in Dhaka, October 2004. Published in the conference proceedings.
7.    Presented a paper titled, “State of the State in South Asia” at a Workshop on ‘Theoretical Issues in IR: A South Asian Regional Perspective’ organized by Asia Pacific International Studies Association, at Goa, India, October 2003
8.    Participated in ‘Workshop for Academics on International Humanitarian. Law’ organized by ICRC and University of Geneva at Geneva, 10-17 October 2002.
9.    Participated in “Fellowship on Multilateral Diplomacy and International Affairs Management” organized by United Nations Institute for Training and Research, (UNITAR) Geneva,  1-21 October, 1999.

1.     Presented a paper titled ‘Governance Challenges: Implications for Life and Liberty/freedom’ at Conference on ‘Matrix of Regional and National Security in South Asia, and Its Post-2014’ Dynamics Organized by Strategic Vision Institute (SVI) and Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), Islamabad,18-19 December 2013
2.     Presented a paper titled ‘Confronting Extremism and Terrorism: Policy Choices for Pakistan’ at a Conference organized by Jamshoro University, Sindh 29 – 30 April, 2013
3.     Presented a paper on ‘Security Imperatives and Regional Environment’ at a Conference by Foreman Christian University, Lahore, 12-13 Dec, 2013
4.     Read a Paper titled, ‘Pakistan Afghanistan Security Relations’ at International Conference organized by Dept. of Defense & Strategic Studies, Qauid–e–Azam University (QAU), Islamabad, 27 – 28 March 2012.
5.     Paper on ‘Challenges to Democracy: A Perspective from KPK’ at Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) organized Conference at Lahore 18 March 2012
6.     Lecture on ‘Emerging Security Challenges in FATA’ at a one day Round Table at Foreman Christian University, Lahore, 29 Nov. 2011.
7.     Lecture on “Protection of Refugees under International Law” at the Training Program for Lawyers organized by Austrian Refugee Council, Pakistan at Peshawar, 30 July 2011.
8.     Read a paper titled, ‘To be Part of the Global Knowledge Economy: Challenges for Higher Education in Pakistan’ at Two Days National conference on Pakistan’ Challenges to Higher Education Management in organized by University of Peshawar at Bara Gali, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 26 – 27 July 2011
9.     Key Note Address at a Workshop on ‘Challenges of Diversity and Opportunity for Democracy in Pakistan’ organized by Civic Education Center, Islamabad, at Peshawar. 07 February 2011.
10.  Af-Pak: Perceptions in Pakistan, Paper at an International Two Days Conference Organized by Area Study Center, University of Peshawar and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Germany, at University of Peshawar. 04 – 05 January 2011.
11.  Moderated a series of three workshops on People’s perspectives on the 18th Amendment in the Constitution of Pakistan organized by South Asia Partnership, Lahore, at Kohat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Bajaur Agency and Khyber Agency FATA – May 20 till May 30 2010.
12.  Presented a paper titled, ‘Responsibility to Protect: The Role of United Nations’ at a Conference organized by Area Study Center, Karachi University. 9-10 Dec. 2009
13.  Presented a Paper on ‘Rights of Minorities – South Asian Scene’ at an International Seminar organized by Democratic Commission of Pakistan and European Academy, Bolzen / Bolzano, Italy (EURAC), at Lahore on 22 March 2009
14.  Presented a Lecture on “Understanding Democracy” at a one day Seminer organized by Women Development Organization at Mardan on 14 February 2009.
15.  Presented a Lecture titled, ‘War against Terrorism: The Global and Regional Perspective’ at a Seminar organized by Roots for Equity and
16.  Presented a talk titled ‘FATA Reforms: Basis, Direction, and Strategy’, at a one day consultation on ‘Reforms in FATA’ organized by Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad and Action Aid, UK, at Islamabad on 15 July 2008
17.  Presented a Lecture on ‘Crisis of Governance and Future of Federation in Pakistan’ at a national conference organized by South Asia Partnership (SAP), Lahore, 07 February 2008.
18.  Presented a lecture/training session on ‘Promoting Electoral Democracy in Regions dominated by militants and enemies of Democracy’ organized by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, training of trainers Workshops, at Islamabad on 27 December 2007 and at Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan, on 15 December 2007
19.  Presented a day long talk/training session on ‘Democratic Process’ at a training of trainers workshop organized by Democratic Commission for Human Development (DCHD) of Pakistan, Lahore, Pakistan, for its activists from all over Pakistan, 7 December, 2007
10. Gave a Series of 10 lectures on ‘Basics of Democracy’ at various locations in Pakistan, especially in NWFP, organized as Political Education Programme by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. July – December 2007.
11. Lecture on “Religious Militancy, Intolerance and Religious Minorities” at Training Workshop for young lawyers, organized by Democratic Commission of Pakistan, Lahore, at Peshawar, 29 August 2007
12. Talk on “Role of Political Parties in Democracy” at a Workshop organized by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Islamabad, 27 July 2007
13. Lecture on “Law and Order situation in FATA”, organized by a group of NGOs, Peshawar, June 5 2007.
14. Lecture on “Human Trafficking” at Seminar organized by World Youth Assembly at Peshawar, June 3 2007
15. Lecture on “Conflict Resolution in Pakistan with special reference to Federally Administered Tribal Areas”, organised by British Council, Peshawar. 21 February 2007
16. Presentation on “Regional Dimensions of Conflict in Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan” at a seminar organized by Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad. 19 February 2007-02-28
17. Presented a talk on ‘Tolerance: A Pre–Requisite of Democracy’, at a Seminar organized by Democratic Commission of Pakistan at Fateh Jang, a small town in Punjab, Pakistan. 24 December 2006.
18. Presented a talk on ‘Law and Order in NWFP: Rule of Law and Peace” at a one day workshop organized by Action Aid, UK, Pakistan Chapter, Peshawar, 05 December, 2006.
19. Presented a talk initiating a roundtable workshop on International Protection of Human rights and Federally administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, organized by Action Aid UK’s Pakistan chapter on 07 November 2006.
20. Presented a paper titled, “Changing Strategic Environment of Asia: Implications for (South Asian) Regional Stability” at Pakistan Germany Strategic Dialogue, held at National Defence College, Islamabad, on 13 July 2006. To be published in proceedings
21. Presented Paper titled “Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Choices and War against Terrorism” at the International Conference organized by the Department of IR, University of Peshawar and Hanns Seidel Foundation, [Munich] Islamabad, at Peshawar University, 21-22 April 2003.
22. Presented a paper on “Understanding and Confronting Terrorism” at the National Conference on Terrorism and Pakistan, organized by Democratic Commission of Pakistan, at Peshawar, 22, February 2003.
23. Presented a talk titled, ‘Pre–requisites of Democracy: Strong Political Parties’, at National Consultation on Restoration of Democracy in Pakistan, organized by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, Lahore, May 2000.
24.  Presented a paper titled, “Dynamics of Pakistan Foreign Policy Decision Making” at National Conference on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy organized by Department of IR, University of Peshawar and Hanns Seidel Foundation, [Munich] Islamabad, May 1999. I coordinated that Conference, and edited its proceedings, which were later published.
25. Presented a lecture on ‘Pakistan Foreign Policy Making’ at workshop on Political Education, Aurat [Women] Foundation, Peshawar, Pakistan,  August 1998

Regular Participant and Commentator in various TV Channels and Radio in their programs related to Pakistan Foreign Policy, Pakistan Politics, and Counter Terrorism issues. The TV channels include Pakistan TV, Samaa’ TV, Express TV and CNN; Radio Stations include Voice of America, BBC and Radio Pakistan.
I also contribute to Op Ed pages of various dailies on subjects of my interest.

·       Senior partner consultancy firm, Research for Peace, Democracy and Development (RPDD), Peshawar 
·       DFID – UK through Coffee International
·       Oxford Analytica, Oxford UK
·       National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR), USA

Public International Law, Democratic Governance, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Ethno linguistic identity politics, Culture and Civilization, International System, Federalism, International Relations Theory, Foreign Policy, Peace, Conflict Prevention and Resolution, , Decision Making, Terrorism, Nationalism / Ethnicity, Pakistani Foreign Policy, Central and South Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Pashtuns, Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan (FATA).

English, Pashto, and Urdu; I can read, write and speak all three with ease and fluency. 

Computer Literacy

I can and do use Computer easily. I work in Windows 95/98/Me/XP/Vista environment.  I use MS Word and Power Point comfortably, can work with MS Excel, and am also quite easy with the Internet. I maintain a blog.